The Japanese have auto-photography booths often in game arcades, enabling friends or couples on a date to take a set of self-portrait photographs as souvenir (see also Kinen shashin, taken on tour). These photo booths now offer lighting, posing and post-processing services to make the user/model to appear more attractive: cute and bi-racial. The lights are strong which helps to remove skin blemishes and wrinkles any traces of which are removed in post. The lens faces down from a low, 1.3 m position forcing users to crouch down and look up. The latter produces the classic Facebook pose, hiding any double chin. Crouching down forces the model to stick their neck and chin out even further, making the model appear even thinner. Next to the lens a pair of models appear on a screen suggesting suitably cute poses for the users to emulate. In post the skin is made smoother pinker and the eyes larger and a little more blue to obtain the desired more-Caucasian, less Asian, bi-racial effect. Since my eyes are already quite large the result tends to be grotesque. Teeth and the whites of ones eyes are made whiter. Engrish is also added to some of the photos automatically, and one can select a variety of background colours and images.
Westerners self-enhance linguistically. I believe that the above demonstrates that, in accordance with the Nacalian position of this burogu, Japanese self-enhance (and I don't mean self-improve) in the world of the image.